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Showing posts from August, 2023


Dr. Sunita Gandhi (Live) India Lecture Disruptive Pedagogy of Foundational Literacy

Karen Varela (Live) Honduras Research Labor Expectations of English Students At UPNFM

Isis Pamela Rodriguez (Live) Honduras Lecture Collaboration, Communication, and Critical Thinking

Dr. Romel M. Aceron (Live) Philippines Plenary

Norma Guadalupe Lopez Honduras Workshop Music and Language

Karen Varela (Live) Honduras Research Labor Expectations of English Students At UPNFM

Razel Joy Salvado (Premiere) PhilippinesBridging Literacy GapsPost-Pandemic Education

Dr. Erika Saito (Live) USA Workshop Creating a Community of Belonging for Educators and Students

Juana Espinoza (Live) Honduras Workshop PedAlgogy: Transforming Teaching and Learning.

Dr. Aleyda Linares (Live) Honduras Lecture The post-methods era

Dr. DJ Kaiser (Live) USA Plenary Organizing Group Work during Remote Instruction with Google Tools

Dr. Lilika Couri (Live) Greece Workshop "Give Learners a Break - Help Them Daydream"

Carolina Rodriguez (Live) Colombia Lecture Flipping your English class with Artificial Intelligence

Tomas Monge Honduras Workshop Neuroeducation Synaptic Processes in Language Learning

Sindy Amador Live Honduras Workshop Canva in the classroom Tips and Tricks

Rogelio Chacon: Building skills for the teenagers real world.

Juan Jose Reyes Valladares: Advantages and Challenges of ESP in Career Technical Education

Gladiz Alicia Rodriguez Live Honduras Lecture Language and Emotions

Katya Mejia (Live) Honduras Lecture Cultural awareness competence in English Teaching for Tourism

Anastasiia Nikuelenko (Live) Russia Other Digital Teacher: Challenges for Professional Development

Nallely Garza (Live) Research Mexico Mexican English Teachers’

Suzanne Rajkumar/Miguel Pena/Tom Delaney (Live)

Dr. Sunita Gandhi (Live) India Lecture Disruptive Pedagogy of Foundational Literacy

Vien Cao:English Language Teaching Transformed: The Power of Artificial Intelligence

Milton Raul Licona Luna: Hands-on Activities: Learning by Doing and Learning by Helping

Grazzia Maria Mendoza Chirinos: Learner Engagement through Virtual Apps

Juan Jose Reyes Valladares: Advantages and Challenges of ESP in Career Technical Education

Stephany Cáceres Mateo/Carmen Sobalvarro: Pedagogies of Care: Building Community

Paul Stufkens: A Great Combination - Hybrid TEFL